Thursday, July 16, 2015

the love of one's heart

Savita performed all seven dances today in a dress rehearsal at the prestigious Music Academy in Chennai.  She has spent years preparing for this event:  dancing through stress, pain, drama, and distance...all while completing a Sidwell education, starting an art NGO, and living a life of compassion.  Before driving to the Academy, I enjoyed a breakfast with Sreedhar--Savita's proud papa--who explained that "it is not just about dance, but life."  One must apply a dedicated effort to "find the love of one's heart." Savita has accomplished this!  While only a few perform a Rangapravesam, no one among even this already select group has made a documentary and prepared an exhibition of paintings while preparing for her debut.  Savita painted an abstract image for each of her seven dances; they will hang gallery-style in the foyer of the Music Academy on Saturday.  Additionally, she reached out to a school for under-privileged children and an arts college in Chennai to make a documentary called "Art Knows no Boundaries."  It is beautiful (I will post after Saturday July18th so check back :)  My day closed with an impromptu gathering with Amama (Savita's maternal grandmother) and her friends, sisters, and cousins.  Sitting in their silk saris, colorful and elegant, the women explained the closeness with which they have shared their lives together.   Conversations unfolded around me and, in the midst, two of the women began to sing hymns in Hindi.   Like the hymn in Savita's film, those they sang this evening were about peace.  I felt in the moment generations of a devotion to art, family, and friendship and was able, as a result, to better understand Savita's dances--especially the one already my favorite (it begins with Savita in a pose that portrays the symbol of om).  

Deepika massaging S's foot during a 2-minute break


Deepika, Sreedhar, Savita (need mama bear too in next shot!)

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